Scar Removal

Dr. Lashea Davis Roland - 3 Point Elite, Silver Spring Maryland
Dr. Lashea Davis Roland
Medical Director

Scars, whether they're a reminder of past injuries, surgeries, or skin conditions, can often affect our self-esteem and confidence. But the good news is that you don't have to live with them forever.

At 3 Point Elite, we specialize in scar removal, offering a range of advanced techniques and personalized solutions tailored to your unique needs. Our mission is simple: to help you minimize the visibility of scars and boost your self-confidence.

Below, we'll walk you through the world of scar removal, from understanding the process to exploring our approach and the different techniques available. 

Scar Removal Treatments - 3 Point Elite - Silver Spring MD

What Is Scar Revision?

Scar revision is a cosmetic procedure that aims to improve the appearance and function of scars. Scars are marks that remain on the skin after an injury, surgery, infection, or other skin condition. They can vary in size, shape, color, and texture, depending on the cause and healing process of the wound. Some scars may be flat, smooth, and pale, while others may be raised, thick, and dark. Some scars may also cause pain, itching, tightness, or limited movement of the affected area.

Scar revision can help reduce the visibility and discomfort of scars by changing their shape, size, color, or texture. It can also help restore the normal function and appearance of the skin and the underlying tissues. Scar revision can be done for various reasons, such as:

  • To improve the cosmetic appearance of the scar and enhance the self-esteem and confidence of the patient.
  • To correct a functional problem caused by the scar, such as impaired movement, sensation, or circulation.
  • To prevent or treat a complication related to the scar, such as infection, inflammation, or keloid formation.

How Does Scar Removal Work?

How scar removal works depends on the type and technique of the treatment you choose. However, the general principle is to remove or modify the scar tissue and stimulate the growth of new and healthy skin cells. Here is a brief explanation of how some common scar removal techniques work:

•  Topical treatments: These are products that you apply to your scar to soften, flatten, or lighten it. They may contain ingredients that hydrate, protect, or heal your skin, such as silicone, steroids, vitamin E, or onion extract. They work by creating a barrier over your scar, preventing water loss and infection, and reducing inflammation and itching. They may also improve the blood flow and oxygen supply to your scar, enhancing its healing process.

  Injectable treatments: These substances are injected into or under your scar to fill in depressions or reduce elevations. They may include fillers such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, or fat; or steroids such as cortisone or triamcinolone. They work by adding volume or reducing pressure to your scar, making it more level with the surrounding skin. They may also reduce the blood supply and fibrosis of your scar, preventing it from growing or hardening.

 Surface treatments: These are procedures that remove or alter the top layer of your skin to improve its texture and color. They may include dermabrasion (sanding), chemical peels (applying acids), laser therapy (using light beams), or microdermabrasion (spraying tiny crystals). They work by removing the damaged or discolored skin cells and revealing the newer and healthier ones underneath. They may also stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential for keeping your skin firm and elastic.

•  Surgical treatments: These are procedures that involve cutting out or rearranging the scar tissue to create a new and improved scar. They may include excision (removing the scar), Z-plasty (making zigzag incisions), W-plasty (making W-shaped incisions), skin grafts (transplanting skin from another part of the body), or flap surgery (moving skin with its blood supply from one area to another). They work by removing the excess or abnormal scar tissue and closing the wound with fine stitches or glue. They may also improve the alignment and orientation of your scar with the natural lines and creases of your skin.

Our Approach to Scar Removal

At 3 Point Elite, we understand that each scar is as unique as the individual it belongs to. That's why our approach to scar removal is anything but one-size-fits-all. We're dedicated to providing you with personalized care that's as unique as your scar. Here's a closer look at how we approach scar removal.

Comprehensive Consultation

Our journey together begins with a thorough consultation. We take the time to sit down with you, listen to your concerns, and carefully assess your scars. Understanding your goals and expectations is crucial for crafting a customized treatment plan that meets your needs.

Tailored Treatment Plans

One of the core principles of our approach is tailoring the treatment to you. Your scar's type, size, location, and skin type are all taken into account when designing your treatment plan. Whether it's a small acne scar or a more complex surgical scar, we have a range of advanced techniques at our disposal to address it effectively.

Cutting-Edge Technology

We believe in staying at the forefront of scar removal technology. Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art laser systems, microdermabrasion devices, and other advanced tools to ensure you receive the highest quality care available. These technologies allow for precision and effectiveness in scar removal.

Experienced Professionals

Our team consists of highly trained and experienced medical professionals who specialize in scar removal. They have a deep understanding of the science of skin and the art of scar revision. You can trust that you're in capable hands throughout your journey with us.

Holistic Approach

Scar removal isn't just about the physical aspect—it's about your overall well-being. We take a holistic approach, considering the emotional impact of scars as well. Our goal is not only to enhance your skin's appearance but also to boost your self-esteem and confidence.

Follow-Up Care

Our commitment to your care extends beyond the procedure. We provide comprehensive follow-up care to ensure the best possible results. We'll guide you through the recovery process, answer any questions you may have, and monitor your progress closely.

Your Journey to Scar-Free Skin Begins Here

Choosing scar removal is a significant step, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Our approach combines expertise, technology, and a personalized touch to help you achieve your desired results. We understand that scar removal is more than just a physical transformation—it's about helping you regain your confidence and feel great in your own skin. To know more about the procedure, get in touch with us now.

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